Meet the Author

Meet the Author

Award-winning author Kristina Olsson will be in conversation with playwright Katherine Lyall-Watson and Avid Reader's Fiona Stager after the performances on Wednesday 2 November 2022 at 1.00pm and Thursday 3 November 2022 at 7.30pm. They'll be discussing the process of adapting her family memoir BOY, LOST into the stage play. Kristina’s story of her half-brother Peter, stolen from his mother’s arms, is a heartbreakingly beautiful tale. Copies of her memoir and the stage play will be available for purchase and signing by the author.

BOY, LOST was adapted for the stage by Katherine Lyall-Watson and directed by Caroline Dunphy.

Tickets are selling fast:

[Image of Sharon Olsson, Katherine Lyall-Watson and Kristina Olsson in 2016, working on the second draft of BOY, LOST.]

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